
No water needed

Malaysia politicians are still sleeping, perhaps

American Intelligence Agency also reads Esperanto

Win a price and see yourself change in 6 weeks

Don't kill your language

Heads roll or fly

Kitab Esperanto bagi kaum Orang Asli

Nak jual Bahasa Malaysia kah ?

Pakatan, jangan salahkan orang asal di Sarawak

Kenapa degil kepala Bible Society ?

Ya, go on to fight on the minute

Bye Bye USA

Pakai Bahasa Esperanto lah, Church members

Pakai air hujan lah

Don't dirty your hand on this minister

Keep your children suffering more

Sack or Jail

Esperanto TV

British, pay for what you did in the past

Kerajaan Malaysia tak berani buat cam tu

Change the education act now

Sure, Obama needs more Indonesia rupiah

Can we also do the same