Untuk Pak Lah--no ribbon cutting for your men and women

Pak lah, i would like to suggest to you that all of ministers , whether deputies or the directors should not be allowed to cut the ribbon or official the opening of the minute meetings. Only international conference or meetings are allowed to say "here i declear the opening of ...."

You know well that your ministers are not too educated and they did not know what to say but to get the spotlight, they speak NONSESNSE. What a shame for us all MALAYSIANS, whether at home or abroad.

If they have something to say, do it once a day at the press conference. keep their time in the office or the field trips to understand the plight of the rakyat.besides, they would have more time to read.

Do you know that if a person has no time to read, he/she will be all the time a kid.the child will then speak and act like the young goat. What a worrisome situation.

You can see many of them are taking the chances to make the journalists running around and the journalists also have no time to read ?

the ribbon cutting are for the entertainers to do it. Your men and women are politicians.

Think about it Pak Lah
