Let the people of Perak decide their future

It is disheartening that the BN is not gentlmen enough. Well, the more tactics that BN used, it just be the capital for the Pakatan and others in the coming GE.

It is what a unfortunate that Perak has a royal family who knows law well and highly educated regent. But they could see the people suffering, see the tax payers' money being misused. Of course, i don't want that statement:

It's ironic, it's rethorical and it's pathetic, really. The only means to freedom is outright revolution


However, it might happen if things are going bad as the royal family may under pressures of the BN ruling party. But, if the royal family can be with the people, they would have the people support.

Now it is time that we consider the mornachy system. How much this system can help the people ?

Chong Leong: It is reported that the Court of Appeal's Datuk Ramly sat on his own when granting the order of stay against Nizar being declared the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak. This is in contravention of Section 38 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964, which provides that every proceeding in the Court of Appeal shall be heard and disposed of by three judges or such greater uneven number of Judges as the president may in any particular case determine.And a judge of a certain panel of three or more uneven number may be excused to a number no less than two, according to section 42 of the same act. So it seems the stay order against Nizar is not in order. Even worse, it may be seen as tainted and made in haste just to preserve certain persons in power. Just when we are regaining some hope with the judiciary, all is done to erode that little glimpse.Ganasan: The Court of Appeal was formed hastily to hear Zambri's appeal. Why such a haste in hearing the appeal? Why did the courts took three months to hear Nizar's appeal whereas it could hear Zambri's appeal instantly? Do we expect a favourable verdict for the citizen of Perak?It is not for the Politician or Courts to decide. Let us the Perak citizen decide once and for all. The fight is now between the People of Perak (Pakatan) and the tyrant (Umno).Let the Sultan of Perak dissolve the state assembly and we, the ‘rakyat' decide who we want and stop the shameful power grabbing and turning Perak into a police state. Michael: Nizar should be allowed to serve as MB as per the wishes of the majority of the Perakians, and not the 'disputable-majority' of the state lawmakers.Ahmad Kamal: What Najib and Zambry had done by filing an appeal is to thwart state elections. One does wonder if there is something else being conjured by filing an appeal. Every litigant off course has his right of appeal but an appeal in the circumstances of the strange case of the two MBs will never go down well in history and in the history of Umno. Najib should be well-advised to step back and allow fresh elections for Perak's legislature. But he did not, which for all intents and purposes as the rakyat rightly observed, is one more example of the complete lack of common sense of Umno and Umno under Najib.Arianna: I am calling on the Sultan of Perak, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Zambry, the judiciary and Nizar: Stop these nonsense! Isn't it enough your actions have caused untold pain to ‘Perakians' and Malaysians in general? Where is your honour?Isn't it enough that your actions have bring shame on the country by making our nation a laughing stock with all these political circus? Have you forgotten that this country of ours, Malaysia, are made up of 27 million ‘rakyat' whom you are answerable to? Or do you think this country belongs to you, you alone?Let the ‘rakyat' decide their own leaders and government.Sang Kancil: This is a typical attitude of BN/Umno gangs. They just can't accept defeat. Don't tell me the learned High Court justice's decision is wrong. Najib and Zambry together with all his cronies are living in the state of illusion and suffering from severe irreversible schizophrenia. Hope the Sultan or Regent of Perak will make wise decision and intervene to restore the confidence towards the Royalty.My advise to BN/Umno: This is just a start. You will be seeing more and more defeats, and the greatest defeat will come in 2012/2013. That is the final match and I predict , you all will lose to the ‘rakyat' badly.A little bit better than idiot: Well done Dr M! You'd successfully put the final nail on BN's coffin come 13th GE. Be prepared to migrate somewhere else before 13 GE if you all don't want to face the consequences. Wai: Now the fake MB (Zambry) gets a stay order. What now? Will he call for an emergency seating and table a motion of no confidence on Nizar? If yes, what then? Will he continue with the appeal? If he drop the appeal, does it mean that Nizar is still the MB? And if he continue on with the appeal, when will the case end? Until the next general election, I dare say. I told a few friends that Malaysia, not only Perak, is going to hell in a hand full of basket-cases because we have morons in government trying to topple each other instead of running the country. Baiyuensheng: On what basis the appeal court judge based on to derive his action, one wonders. It's a sad day for our judiciary -- either it's dominated by a bunch of smart people or otherwise.Rajanathan: It's sickening to know what is happening in Perak. Even the justice system of Malaysia is playing politics. Taking the ‘rakyat' for a ride. They, the politician, the police and the justice system forget that they are the employee of the ‘rakyat' who is the rightful government. What a disaster wasting our hard-earned money for their pleasure.Balakrishnan: Pakatan is only seeking to dissolve the assembly and let the choice of the new state government be mandated by the 'Perakians' -- not to hold on to power for selfish or vested reasons. Why does BN want to cling and tussle to power themselves in the state government? Why deny this mandate to the people? Is the govenment for the people or for respective political party? Further embarrassment might be incurred to the royalty respectively. Stop this limbo and don't deny the people right of a new choice.
