Go Esperanto in Malaysia

I do not know the recruiting of the teacher of English from India will be materialised. But certainly, I would say, after reading in many forums about this issue. The Bee End government has to go in this 13th General Election.

Please, I do not propaganda for the Pakatan, I might even consider to vote Pakatan a spoil vote if they still insist on English language subject without considering to amend the Education Act of English is a compulsory teaching subject when they are in power. The future of youngster is not with English, it is multilingual

The government is not looking into to provide all schools with one session. There are still many schools still have to go on for two sessions, morning and afternoon sessions. The cost of incurring to pay for the foreign teachers, would be able to build more class rooms.

What a fcuk ! The population censor did not provide the ministries, especially the Education department of the number of pupils will be enrolling year after year. Please go to the Singapore Education website to take a look and then back to Malaysia, to see for yourself the different.

The education department, or rather the parliament should amend the act so that the school children can have their choice to choose their subject of languages. The Thailand and Indonesia systems are much better than Malaysia in this aspect.

Put Esperanto as the compulsory to capture the propaedeutic effect for learning other languages. Therefore, there would not be the shortage of teachers of English in Malaysia.

Indians are proud of their English, they would not change the accent of India, listen to the All IndiaRadio to make your choice.

Ghana is making English language a'play' thing, now no matter how good your English is, when you meet a Ghanian, you will not be able to understand him/her. ( Read the headline of it , Ghana calls an end to tyrannical reign of the Queen's English). Don't the embassies of Malaysia overseas providing more changes of information to the government. We can even get the info from the net.

I am getting annoyed now. China is going Esperanto stage by stage now. China is not asking anyone to learn Chinese language to trade with them, they even have the Esperanto property and economy group. Those who are rushing for their children to learn Chinese but not Esperanto are silly parents.

But the Malaysian government is not preparing for the change of the time. Sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

Go Esperanto in Malaysia. Go free choice of language selction in Malaysia. Abide the calling of UNESCO


What Esperanto can bring to our children ? Read

Look at China



Anonymous said…
Apanama ini. Semua dunia mahu cakap bahasa inggris. You mahu cakap Esparanto. Tukar minda dan jangan cuba tukar minda anak muda kita yang mahu fasih dalam bahasa internet.
Anak Pinang said…
Kawan, you tak baca links ke ? Mesti kurang faham anglish la, baru tak faham baca mondeto page. Haha, gua mau gelak sampai jatuh ke longkang la, bahasa internet. Ini mesti tak tau Cina pakai bahasa internet kah ? Ini mesti orang dari itu apa grup ya ? PPMSI ? kata teknologi semua pakai english tapi, rusia dan cina pakai bahasa apa ? Yang pakai duit rakyat pi jalan kat space tu, docktor apa nama dia, pakai english di rusia atau belajar bahasa rusia?

Kawan, lu ada internet, baru boleh baca blog ini, jadi, tolong buat la search sikit, jangan macam orang politik, cakap tak ada otak lah, kesian, ini produk pendidikan BN.

Lu tau kah Indonesia sudah berhenti mengajar bahasa inggeris dari 2013 ? jangan tidur lah, lu pi thailand, Vietnam dll negera boleh pakai bahasa inggeris ? Ini mesti tak pernah keluar rumah punya kaki lah.

Pi site ini, dia orang ada pakai www atau ttt ? ttt.esperanto.org/skolta

Kalau mata anda di cover oleh satu bahasa, lebih baik belajar lagi satu, jangan hanya buat malu orang di dunia.