Buka mata dan baca

Kalau internet tak boleh tolong anda menambah pengetahuan, apa lagi ?

Yang pandai, buat data yang tak betul, di mana kita lihat tiap hari lah, GDP ni naik, GDP lagi naik, tapi, kos hidup naik lagi tinggi.

Di Malaysia, kita selalu di control oleh yang 10% terkaya. Dia orang cakap, kerajaan yang lembah dan tamak tu ikut, siapa susah ? Kita lah, golongan yang miskin.

Kalau tak nak jaga diri lagi, hampa anak cucuk pun tak ada budaya diri sendiri langsung.

Yang selalu keriau tak habis tu, PPSMI, baca lah

The government implemented the decision through a language policy for schools that sets down that learners should be taught in their home language from grades 1-3 and in English from grade 4 onwards. However, despite high levels of spending on education, failure rates as a whole remain alrmingly high. For example, only four in ten (39%) learners starting school in 2009 are expected to reach grade 12.

The literature review suggested that the longer a child learns in his or her home language the more successful she or he will be at school. Meanwhile, the field research showed that a high proporon of learners are confused by the second language (English) in which they are taught. They want to succeed at school generally and in English in parcular but do not understand their subjects well enough because of the problems of language.

