Di mana mereka ?

Mereka di Arab meminum teh.

Ya, ya, mereka sudah di Arab lah

“With the amount of wealth the Arab nations have and the extravagant way they spend, why aren’t they helping? The King of Saudi Arabia is supposed to be the guardian of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. They should be setting the example for others to follow but they are more preoccupied with enforcing “laws”,” said Thasleem.   What about “Muslim solidarity” and the “Muslim Brotherhood”?   Shouldn’t Muslim nations be the first to offer aid to their “own” who are in need?   “The Arab nations have made the words “Muslim brotherhood” a bad word. It is now tagged with terrorism and extremism.   “The genuine brotherhood should not be confined to one religion or race. The ‘brotherhood’ or ‘sisterhood’ should be universal. We don’t look at who is the victim of the disaster. Their ethnicity and race should not matter. - See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/Have-the-Arab-nations-come-to-our-aid-in-our-hour-of-need#sthash.KngZmuaZ.dpuf

