
Psychology never failed

Do you need to live in a big house ?

Jangan sentuh ini, jangan sentuh itu

He made Malays in Malaysia poorer

MRSM incident could be prevented earlier

Monks are human

Pierre Andre ni kaum Melayu yang tulin kah ?

Syed Saddiq may not know the trans in Bangladesh are millionaires

Kenapa Dr Mahathir tidak mengguna Bahasa Melayu menulis buku nya?

Malaysia needs to have Universal Basic Income

Rakyat Sarawak sudah matang kah ?

How weak is the Malaysia court system

Jangan pergi Chile yah

Karma is on Razak family

Bilal Jailani, jangan buli wanita

Banning international travel is better than local ecomomic ruins, the case of Omicron

Don't blame USA but your India education system