The management of swimming pools in Penang state



There are only THREE government constructed swimming pools in Penang state.

But unfortunately, the staff in Penang government cannot manage it well and have to contract it out to the private companies.

Now, the people should get to the government to know the reason why the staff are incapable of doing it or the government is contracting out to the crony.

The staff who are dealing with swimming pools should be down graded.

Though Pakatan Harapan controls Penang for more than 10 years, it is not easy to flash out the crooks in the government, Penang lang should closely monitor the activities of the government especially dealing with the public property, like swimming pools.

Sports facilities are for the benefits of people but not for the few companies have linked to state government. If the private companies which could still spread out the cost for the people, like free entrance for senior citizen and get the revenues from the advertisement etc.

It is beyond your reasoning that the swimming pool in Relau is near to the high rise flats and there should have at least 200 people going to the swimming pools but alas, there are a few ? Why ? It is because the Bandaraya does not go to promote the concept, Swimming is the best exercise. Secondly, the opening hours are not suitable for the pupils in the nearby area. 

Read more about how to manage the swimming  below.

You could form a group to investigate why the Penang government staff are unable to manage the swimming. Should they be sent for sports and facilities management course or it is the corruption act.

