Worth a thought 值得深思

Why the hill tribes from China are not recognised by the Thailand government?The people have no proper legal documents.Thus, they will be forever below the poverty line and the international organisations that rush to aid them will really help much ?

Chinese people like to call those migrate overseas, even for centuries, Hua Ren, and these non legal people of hilltribles in the Thailand soil is not recognised by the Chinese government as Hua Ren. Is it because they cannot send the money back to aid the government of China ?

中华人民共和国的中国人老爱把移居海外多代的汉人叫做海外华人.请问从中国移居泰国北部的山地人,中国人不称他们是华人? 是因为他们没有经济地位?

这些山地人的处境非常苦, 泰国政府不承认他们的合法地位, 中华人民共和国的政府又没有资助.他们还在用汉语作为共同的沟通语言.

历史在转动,中国人可以让海外多代的移民离开'华人'这个字眼吗?为啥老爱加个 '华人'字眼.如美国华人.

