For Radio aifm 爱。开麦无障碍

Well, after the intervention from the authority, the radio station has to be silenced and talk on issues more of a lower tone, in short safety topics as you can see from the blog.

This programme sees the transfer of Biao Min out and putting Li Lin in but the tone is not what it should be 爱。开麦无障碍. There is a lot of 障碍 but 无爱.

Looking at the blog, it is playing safe too by allowing commenting section must be the members of the blog comapny.

Will this prevent the harsh comment ? Certainly it is not the best way to let the rakyat voice their opinions.It is rather absurd by doing so.

I wish they have the gut to open the comment page without to be the member. I could apply and acount of the company and still can blow up the page.

It is the responsibility count .
