Mi konsentas. Mi ĵus laboris en via lando dum du semajnoj, kaj mi pensas ke vi havas grandan lingvan problemon. Mi vidis multajn homojn kiu ne povis komuniki kune. Esperanto estas tre facila lerni kaj mi deziris je mi rekontiĝis aliajn esperantiston dum mia vizito.
(I agree. I just worked in your country for two weeks, and I think that you have a big language problem. I saw many people who could not communicate together. Esperanto is very easy to learn and I wished I had met other Esperantists during my visit)
(I agree. I just worked in your country for two weeks, and I think that you have a big language problem. I saw many people who could not communicate together. Esperanto is very easy to learn and I wished I had met other Esperantists during my visit)