Every general election is the same that the ruling party coalitions will highlight a lot. It is a fool that if we, MALAYSIANS,would take this sweet cookies as a part for it and keep on having gousers after the election.
Don't be a fool Dr Yap, all sane Malaysians know that. So, it may give the project and when the election is over, there come your complaints.
Besides, it is here hightlight also Dr Yap, don't fool yourself and the Chinese community by telling the world that New Era Collage is a Chinese college, look at the course that your collage is conducting, are they all in Chinese, if not you are cheating the world.
We are in Malaysia, we don't really need that as there are many basic education needed to strengthen. Think twice.
Don't be a fool Dr Yap, all sane Malaysians know that. So, it may give the project and when the election is over, there come your complaints.
Besides, it is here hightlight also Dr Yap, don't fool yourself and the Chinese community by telling the world that New Era Collage is a Chinese college, look at the course that your collage is conducting, are they all in Chinese, if not you are cheating the world.
We are in Malaysia, we don't really need that as there are many basic education needed to strengthen. Think twice.