So, the nothing to do of blogging is turning to be big guns' jobs. Malaysian internet portals should take this opportunity to set up more blogs for the guns to fire.
Why use so much of the foreign blog company spaces where the local-made blog companies are dying off.
There are reasons you know better if you are a Malaysian that how the government censored the contents and the companies may loose the 'rice bowl'.
Who would run the risk of no nasi to eat ???
Ok now, take a look at Dr Chua's blog and see what he feels It is in bilingual.
Why use so much of the foreign blog company spaces where the local-made blog companies are dying off.
There are reasons you know better if you are a Malaysian that how the government censored the contents and the companies may loose the 'rice bowl'.
Who would run the risk of no nasi to eat ???
Ok now, take a look at Dr Chua's blog and see what he feels It is in bilingual.