Just because they want the Chinese votes and they can go to 'lo shang', but this is Chinese culture from the southern China, so, it is not haram, they can 'lo' together. For the pork selling kind of things, not here and not on Friday, it is haram. Can the big man in the picture be sure the untensil and the way preparing the food is halal ?
Now is not talking about halal, but it is the power, so, corruption and be corrupted, 4 million per person in the Perak drama. Where does the money come from ?
So, the learned and unlearned people in Perak is not a much different. What a big shame is the state ruler was the judege, high court , you know or not, warlau, he did not know the constitution, certainly, the feeling of the peopl can be felt lah.
Shoul most of the considerations be in a republic society instead of paying much of the money for the unwise decision from a learned ruler.