Bus Lane--Pakatan can do it


These few days, having the chance to travel by bus in the central part of Peninsula gotten me to think of why people still prefer to drive if the transport system is more effective. Shit, of course lah, this type of complaints have sky rocket high but still fell onto the deaf eyes.

Certainly the BN people are busy collecting ( not corruption) $$$ sign so that when Pakatan is in full control, they would jalan and can live like the 'simple people' in Selangor, ( Former Menteri besor of Selangor).

If the transport minister is busy cutting ribbon, the Pakatan MPs should be quietly going down to our down south country to take a look of how the bus is efficiency, how the interchange is really a change but not a walk.

The bus lane as the bus driver told me 'lorong bus' should be implemented by the Pakatan ruled states. The three lanes road should make one bus lane as well as the taxi lane, two main transport vehicles share the lane. Of course, they have to pay for this express lane.

More enforcement people should be placed to issue summons to the 'non so discipline' private car drivers. The traffic police that sent to mend the road in the morning should be sent to issue the summons so that the government can get some revenue from the naughty ones.

For the 1st year, the Pakatan government should absorbed the major part of cost of the bus lane, certainly the bus operators are not willing to pay. By second year, the bus operators should be absrobing more and finally, the profit made from the efficient system should be borne by the users and the bus operators.

Besides, should approve only few operators, for example, from the Klang town to BBT areas, there are at least 3 bus companies piling the road of which provide non effective service.

Anything good for the people, Pakatan, people will support you. Only the corrupted BN supporters will go against the public interests.

With the bus lane, the taxi stands should be allocated and all cab drivers should not allow to park the cars at the bus stop, the pick up point for the private cars near the bus stop must also be allocated.

If offenders are advised for three times, now got computer system mah, then fines should be imposed. There are many selfish people around.Life is not for one people


