Happy Birthday Malaysia September 16

Can't hold back my joy to wish you a happy birthday Malaysia. You are not 50 years old yet. You are young.

Just hold it there, when the next governemnt change, they will return the justice to you and unit the East and West Malaysians.

I don't regard the 31st Oct is a Malaysia birthday, to the most is the Malaya birthday but it was in the history.

Many arguments come into this. Which is the correct date for your birthday.

Fine, just a word. When a company is formed and the name is changed. Do you consider the old date for the old management or the new date for the management.

So, we had the Federation of Malaya and then Malaysia. So, it is clear that the September 16 is Malaysia's birthday but not the 31st of August.

Australia and USA had the states that joined in later but they don;t change the name, thus it is fine.

If it is too difficult to understand, as aifm, the chinese national radio station why they celebrate the aifm birthday below 5 years old. The radio station was set up more 40 years old. But they have changed the management an the name is called aifm but not radio 5.

