Language in religion can be patent??

It was in the Tony Pua's facebook that the discussion of the A word is still going on.

It is a big joke that the Malaysian is crazy for many mega project as well as the record of the world. Perhaps, this one the A word can also be listed in it.

Just wondering how cilivilised the group who claimed the A word is only for their usage.

Well, then the religion which uses the Pali and Sankript language should also patent the words:

Bahasa, duka ,suka etc.

It is a shame that even the government is joining force to patent the word of A-lah.

Language is for communication and lest in the politics.

Ya, Malaysian politicians are too much time in hand they can think of which states to patent the word of A_l_lah but not knowing how shameful it is when this is occuring in the modern days with so many language faculties in Malaysian universities.

Huh, can they uni of Malaysia get better ranking when the patent of language takes effect?

Dr Zam should patent his Esperanto but he did not.
