Many Gods for Malaysian Chinese

The Malaysian Chinese should be felt blessing. There are so many gods to help them to fight for political rights as well as the economy rights.


Look at the MCA, DAP, GERAKAN, they are all Chinese orientated.

Now, the MCA is in troble. This god is in the midst of power struggling and also mony politics.

Will One Ka Ting save them ? Does MCA should be saved ?

It does not matter. I still see nothing much in this racial politics. If they say they are not racial, MCA, then get the MCA out and be a association for the Chinese community but not as a political party to fight for Chinese.

Haha, nice comment from

Kgen: Ong Ka Ting was a pretty unexceptional MCA leader who just toed the line and 'kowtow' to Umno as required. Whoever takes over doesn't matter, the Chinese have already discounted MCA. There is nothing left to save in MCA.

So, 2 ONGS are not so ONG now. Ong Tee Kiat refused to go and Ong Ka Ting acted as God to come to save the MCA.

Ka Ting, please think again. Are you going to creat another racial problem?

There is no longer a racial based party. Wake up.

It is only two party system in Malaysia. It is tanah rakyat Malaysia not tanah Melayu.
