Vote MCA out from the political scene

It is time to think the position of Malaysia Chinese Association (MCA) in the political arena in
Malaysia. This racial political can go without principal to many issues.

Look, they support the abolish the teaching of Maths and Science in English and later support the PAGE. When DPM mentioned all parliament members support the abolishing the project, these Chinese party has nothing to say but would suggestsomething to kill the people, more people, especially the poor and they gain all the resources to control the poor.

Making English a pass in SPM. Hold it, you think all Malaysians are going to study in the expensive countries ? Look at the tuition fee in United Kingdom, 7500 pounds
per year. All your MCA cronies can send your children there but not us the poor people.

Thus, it is time to vote MCA out of the political scene. Ask how many of them are Chinese educated in the party ? They want to forgo their mother tongue to hug ang mo (English) but don't get all others to do the same. You have the money, go but don't make such a stupid rule.
Why not ask the government to recognise Chinese language, Tamil language etc. What Malaysians need is two languages, any two languages.

Please do some research before you try to get some publicity. Don't you read the latest book authored by Dr Nicholas Ostler ? Don't you read the book by Dr Robert Phillipson ?

If you don't, shame on you as politicians.

Do you think English can be used in all countries ? Just take a tour in ASEAN lah, see how many countries that you can use English on the streets.

Watch this short film pause at 2.01 minutes and listen to the data, where on earth is the largest number of speakers. Shame on you.

Is Pakatan good ? The doubts are there.

Let wait and see what they are going to say. Whether they are open-minded or they are similar.





你们那么多人才,连最基本的国际出名的书本如Dr Nicholas Ostler 和 Dr Robert Phillipson 的书读没看过,就开口说白痴的话,你们不知道英语的地位已经在失去了吗?



