3 years old also knows how to demand for it

Of late, the local scence in Malaysia we can see many hilarious leaders, whether current or past talking about Bersih 3.

One said to topple the country and the other said to be link to communist.

One even said that it is the practice ground to use violence to make choas if the Pakatan lose the 13th Genenral Election.

Well, look at the 3 years old. If he/she asks for the sweet, you cheat him/her, once, twice and trice, what you will get when the 4th time you said so.


Now, the heads of the country has nothing to go for publicity and threatening, thus digging into the past shadows and to see whether it works or not.

If  the government especially the EC, of course, EC is under control of the ruling party, would take note and truthfully doing what EC should do, there will be not Bersih 2, and Bersih 3. Now few stupid rich petty trades have used the word Bersih 4.

Even the Pakatan is not doing well, we, the rakyat will overthrow them.

