Now the BN use all resources to gain the election

Aha, I do not know what the country is going to be. But as the drama unfolded, more and more peole would be in the hot soup even the students as well.

The PTPTN is using the power now to cut the loan. If what the intention of below Grade 2.0, it is too low. But on the second thought, isn't PTPTN officials know the low grade long time ago ?

Well, the students are spending too much of time on facebook, but not on the street demonstration. Please get the point correct.  Certainly, I don't agree with the that low grade to be called a graduate. Of course, the low grade in the STPM is the cause.

But taking the punishement now is unwised or it is perhaps that no more resources the pro BN parties have now and they try every means to shame themselves.

It is not easy to find these low graduate in Malaysia but also the low grade minister.

It is hard to believe that the reply of the WWW 15 is such an abusrb that a retarded kid can also think of.Thus, is the minister has the high grade to graduate ?

We need graduates who can think and act but not listen to whistle only, like the dog training scheme.
