Yang mana satu hang nak pilih ?

You want the people of Malaysia to 'main' the Bahasa Malayu (utamakan Bahasa Melayu). Fine, is this from the DBP (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ) ?

Now, look, which version of Bahasa Melayu that you want the people to learn ? The Arabic spelling or Roman Latin alphabets?

If you go to Kelantan, especially in the capital of that state, Kota Bharu, the road signs are in Arabic and Latin alphabets. Now, tell the people of Malaysia, which version you want ? You want the people to learn two version of writing script for one language ?

In the past , the Melayu is using the British way of spelling but later, it changes into Indonesian way of spelling. Indonesia was colonised by the Dutch and they used the Dutch way, sy=sh but now, the Malay language in Malaysia is much  of Indonesian. Thus, can you identify the different between the two ?

Bahasa Melayu is not a main language in Indonesia when she gained independence or merdeka. The Malay tribe was only 1.4% and Javanese contrtibuted to more than 40%.

At the time of Indonesia’s independence, the Javanese made up 47.8% of Indonesia’s
population, were by far the largest ethnic group, and made up a significant proportion of the
educated elite. Javanese was a written lanfuguage with a rich literary tradition. However, there are social registers in Javanese with completely separate lexicons used depending on the age and social class of the person addressed, which makes the language difficult for outsiders to learn.

from :Paauw, S. (2009). One land, one nation, one language: An analysis of Indonesia’s national language policy. In H. Lehnert-LeHouillier and A.B. Fine (Eds.), University of Rochester Working Papers in the Language Sciences, 5(1), 2-16.

In this case, not all the majority win. This case proved it. But why Indonesia adpoted Malay as the national language ? The passage has clearly pointed out, it is because Malay is easier to learn than Javanese.

Now, in Malaysia, the DBP is confusing by the politicians and religion men. Which Melayu you want the people to learn ?

It is unwise to choose the Arabic version to mixed in the Malay language, you need as much time as learning Arabic and Chinese. Now, isn't Malay is easier by the same token in the above passage ? But now more and more Arabic words are included in the Malay. In short, the Malay language is loosing the true colour of Malay words. The example is the kinzir of which the Malay is babi (pig), by the same token, slowly, the Malay would be half breed of Arabic.

Is religion and the culture the same ?

Certainly, religion is a place for the soul but culture is more than the soul with customs and folklords. But it seems many people can not separated it. This also include the Chinese Muslim as well.

The Latin has only 26 letters but Arabic has ? Read for yourself.
Not just the main letters, but other sound indicators as well.

Do you think we should spend so much in it until we are left with no time for the family ?

Think twice.

P/S: just wondering if PAS in power, they would make the Jawi, as the official language ?
