Malaysian Police, Polis or Polisher ?

The recent and not so recent incidents of the BN supporters have clearly told us what the Malaysian Police Force or PDRM as it is fondly called, is very much a polisher to the ruling party.

Of course, there are many good cops on the street. Can they do anything ? They can. Yes, the only thing they can do is quit the job.

But they are needed by the ruling party to do some disgraceful thing to shame the country and at the same time to speed up the rate of burying these non gentlemen ruling party.

Kalau kalah, mengaku kalah lah, come back again as a gentleman for the next round of fight.

All kinds of threats and the rough action are the stupid acts to tell the people you orang are very childish. Boring of them.

I don't side LGE just because he is the CM of my state. If he is right, I support, if he is not right. I won't vote his party too.

Now, where is the man who did it ? Nothing much to clear the case, no police charge etc.

I don't think it is wise to let the polishers to continue, my children and your children will suffer more. In fact, the Paktan should list out all the naughty acts of these Melayu celup to let people know how many cases have charged and how many are unseen at all.

The tax payers money is not wisely used. Why we still need to pay the tax ?
