The anti gay and lesbian people are worse than this monkey. |
Guidelines to identify gay and lesbian symptoms published
It is the best joke of the year but I cannot laugh as I am more angry than amused.
These homophobia are going to kill the joy of many families. The parents should come out to protest for this stupid act. The taxpayers money are abused for non productive purposes.
Gay and lesbian will destroy the country, it is the western culture. Well, is democarcy a western stuff, why Malaysia adopted it ? Malaysia leaders, espcially, the Be End, should live on the trees.
Now the Prime Minister of Iceland and Belgium are all gay and lesbian, did the countries all turn to be a gay nation ?
Ho, they called themselves educated and have lots of scientific research with the Vogue, perhaps. But ladies, especially the homophobi ones, your husband maybe a gay in disguise like the Chinese gays. Well, the guildline did not tell the parents and teachers to look at the fingers, but here you are, you can look at the fingers of your husband and to see whether he is a gay in disguise.
Don't jump through the roof when your husband is a gay in disgusie. Having a fuck and bearing children cannot be considered a hetro.
Don't kill yourself either when you found out your husband is a gay like this Chinese story. There are millions of Chinese gays cheating on the women.
The country allows the betrayal of love by marrying 4 wives legally ( unless the wives are lesbians, otherwise, the pain in the heart would be healed). The country allows corruption and adulty as acceptable rules. Many datoks and datins are in Bangkok for cow boy and prostuition. Mind you, one day, you will be exposed on the net.
The parents, ibu bapa yang bijak, jangan di pegaruhi oleh yang bodoh.
The intoxication of religious are accepted. Which is the largest anti-gay religion in the world, search the web and read it for yourself.
Senang kata, yang dah kalah, semua alasan bukan budaya kita. Apa budaya kita ?
Would like to see how far this anti movement will go. Are they not feeling guilty to break up the families ?
Vietnam is going to legalise the samesex marriage and Malaysia is criminalised the samesex marriage. Certainly, those involved in the project must not have a happy marriage and taking this anger for revenge, the weaker group.
Watch their first Gay pride. I do not like to see Malaysia has to go through this pride, we get it legalised straight from the parents.
But the next election, the votes of the gays and lesbians will tell you who is the right person to consult.,_gay,_bisexual,_or_transgender_firsts_by_year