New education blue print of Malaysia

The brilliant B End government comes out with the next education blue print. It is much a talk of the kopitiam. The uncle and anuties do not know the content, the pakcik and makcik pun tak tau kandungan.

I pun tak tau apa itu blue print. Hope the PAKATAN take over and change to yellow print.

Is the B End government a caring government or only cater for the middle class people and above, you do your guess job.

Kalau anda nak anak-anak lebih pandai menguasi bahasa, bukan hanya dua, tapi tiga dan empat, anda perlu timbang yang si-penulis ini kata.

Why only bilingual ? For those who can, go multiple, for those cannot give them an easy one and it is especially good to be early.

Can we let Malaysians be multilingual and how it can be achieved ? The UNESCO has long being suggesting, but Malaysians did not read it and worst, they don't believe it.

You decide for your children lah. Hang fikir lah untuk anak-anak anda bukan yang kerajaan otak beruk.

But I don't think Pakatan will do a good job either by looking at its component parties, especially DAP and LGE who are so keen to promote the imperialism language and wanting to kill more orang asli languages in the penisula as well as Sabah and Sarawak.

What the former DPM said, it is true, but, can it be implemented ?

Watch this video and more related ones. Tonton lah video ini dan lain juga mengenai negara itu.

* Blueprint focuses on six student attributes - Knowledge, Thinking Skills, Leadership, Bilingual Proficiency, Ethics and National Identity

* To achieve desired student outcomes, reform of education system to be approached in 11 shifts

* Shift 1: Provide equal access to quality education of an international standard. Initiatives under Shift 1 - revised curriculum for schools in 2017 and option for high achieving students to finish school earlier.

* Shift 2. Ensure every child is proficient in Bahasa Malaysia and English language. Under Shift 2, 70,000 English teachers to sit for Cambridge Placement Test and be given training to improve language proficiency.

* Standard Bahasa Malaysia curriculum for all both government and vernacular primary schools - goal to abolish 'remove' class in secondary schools by 2017

*Shift 3: Develop values-driven Malaysians - plans of expanding the Student Integration Plan for Unity (RIMUP) programme for students

* Shift 4: Transform teaching into profession of choice. Only top 30% of graduates will be recruited for teaching. Also new career package and reduced administrative duties for teachers.

* Shift 5: Ensure high-performing school leaders in every school

* Shift 6: Empower state and district Education Departments and schools to customise solutions based on need - they can tailor their approach for different schools.

* Shift 7: Leverage ICT to scale up quality learning across Malaysia. Ministry to expand 1Bestari (Wifi) to all schools.

* Shift 8: Transform Education Ministry delivery capabilities and capacity so that there is no overlap of function and more streamlined.

* Shift 9: Partner with parents, community and private sector at scale. Parents will be able to monitor student progress online through School Examination Analysis System (SAPS) system. Five hundred trust schools to be set up

* Shift 10: Maximise student outcomes for every ringgit. To ensure "outcome-based budgeting" with government spending on education

* Shift 11: Increase transparency for direct public accountability. Blueprint and progress of its goals will be made public

* First wave: Blueprint implementation, there will be more support for teachers and focus on core student skills

* Second wave: Build upon progress.

* Third wave: From 2020 - 2025, schools will have autonomy to handle their own administration

Source: The Star Online

Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 - Executive Summary


Unknown said…
The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more content...Great job, keep it up.
, print Malaysia

smileyeee95 said…
Nice blog! You have described in a nice way.
Thanks for sharing this information.
print malasia