Tankap dia, arrest him

Now, the slop practice of the Be End party in Malaysia is getting the laughing stock of the world. The stepping of the PM photo got arrested, showing the moon was arrested.

Now, this young man of Malaysia, Shaun Tan has opening challenging the PM and the Police of Malaysia. Apa nak cakap ? Tangkap lah, apa nak takut ?

Amboi, nampak bully orang yang tak ada kuasa ya , puii punya orang politik Malaysia.

Fine, he is there, the Home Minister, Kerismudin and the DPM, what would you say ? The General Police, action lah.

Perhaps, Shaun is handsome and the Ros Mama said don't touch.

Najid PM, kesian sama lu lah, lu punya anak-anak ikan sudah mahu jatuh sama lu, dia orang kata support but did the other way roung.

PAKATAN pun bukan bagus sangat, at least, not in power yet. Let see what they will do when they are in power.

But, certainly, the moneys on the PM is shaking to hard and the fruits are falling down.
