Bravo Indonesia

Wahlau! Indonesia is really a brave country to make the eyes of the world big with her new policy next year, that is 2013.

Many people criticise the policy and these obviously are coming from the English speaking communities, including those in Indonesia, just like the PAGE in Malaysia.

I really admire the government to do it this way. What made me sick was the Singaporean forum putting the comment as 'back to stone age' age. Hello, Singaporeans, not all of course, please lah, if your English is so good, the nickname of Singlish would not be there lah. Get that proper before you commented that people to go back to the stone age. You forgo your mother tongue and you don't feel ashame of it at all, warlau eh, these Singaporeans really being poisoned by the British.

The immediately hit is the so called English expert from overseas would be jobless. This would be part of British Council, of course. Unlike Malaysia, the ministry got the so called English experts from the United Kingdom, is merely to fill the jobs that United Kingdom cannot offer them backhome.

I don't know how true it is that some said Indonesia is going to teach Esperanto as this language is going to be the major language in the world and of course, the propaedeutic effect is very enormous for the learners of language. If so, Indonesia is making the right choice, but some said that it is because of the trade from China as Esperanto was long established inIndonesia, and China has many Esperanto businessmen doing businss with them, especially from Fujian province,

Well, Indonesia will be moving forward than other ASEAN countries if she introduce Esperanto in the schools because the cost for learning a foreign language is low with Esperanto and the effect is good.

I don't know who is going back to stone age, the Singaporeans or Indonesians. Certainly, if Indonesia join hand with Vietnam in Esperanto business, wow, mati lah Malaysia.
Just surf the Facebook, twitter or other social medias, you can find tons of Esperanto users from the world but these people only supporting the imperialism language and let the imperialsim country becomes richer but not on equal standing. Why the British don't learn Bahasa Indonesia ?
Indonesia needs to return the mother tongue education to all the 700 more tribals. Just less than 2% of Malay people in Indonesia can use the Malay to kill the 700 tribal languages, fair ?

Don't put any hope on Pakatan or BN for teaching Esperanto in schools, even you tell them that more than 75% of the people in the world do not speak a word of English , they still insist on English. You better learn it on your own.Otherwise, you will be controlled only by the rich and if you are the rich, don't think that the world will spare you the fortune for controlling people for too long. Fight in equality.
