Look see,look see

Sometimes, the politicians are good at diverting the attention of the people to some minute items.

The youngsters, as you know lah, under our Malaysia old or new system, never have the chance to argue about the sun rising from the East but not West.

I just like this para so much that I could not keep laughing. But, my tears dropped later, just  has the same feeling of the writer.

"Di sini saya ingin bertanya kepada anak muda semua apakah kewajiban kalian hanya mempertahankan keteguhan dan kesucian akidah semata-mata tetapi tidak menjadi kewajiban mempertahankan keselamatan negara? Atau perkara-perkara lain dilihat lebih penting yang bukan atas kanta agama? Setahu saya soal keselamatan negara juga termasuk dalam kewajiban penting kalau tidak masakan ada hadith menyebut; kasih kepada negara itu sebahagian daripada iman."

I especially like the title , See the film but not the ship.

The USA marine even came on land to help to do charity work and was reported by many main stream media with photos.

Where are our youngsters gone these days?

Facebook, twitter, skype and IRC.

How much do they read and reflect ?
