Will your heart cry ?

So, this is nothing about Malaysia, and of course, Malaysians would not care about it. But the history book in Malaysia and other parts of the world should be rewritten about these facts.

The truth about Columbus is going to be a hard pill for some folks to swallow. Please, don't think I'm picking on Catholics. All the Catholics I know are wonderful people. I don't want to take away their holiday or their hero. But if we're looking for a Catholic our kids can admire, the Catholic church has many, many amazing people we could name a holiday after. How about Mother Teresa day? Or St. Francis of Assisi day? Or Betty Williams day (another Catholic Nobel Peace Prize winner). These men and women are truly heroes of peace, not just for Catholics, but for all of us.

Therefore, the harmless people are made to slave and never have the chance to retell the histroy. It is time that we need more people to tell the story of the truth.

Jangan kacang lupakan kulit. Yang mana bukan Melayu, cakap diri sendiri Melayu. Jawa dan Sunda itu Melayu kah ?

While we're at it, let's rewrite our history books. From now on, instead of glorifying the exploits of mass murderers like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon Bonaparte, let's teach our kids about true heroes, men and women of courage and kindness who devoted their lives to the good of others. There's a long list, starting with Florence Nightingale, Mahatma Gandhi, Rev. Martin Luther King, and John F. Kennedy.

Read the heart pain story

