Na, na, na, the race cards again

So the researchers cannot get the data from the government, huh, the researchers in the national university also cannot get the corporation from the government sectors, no joke. It must have lots of untold stories that cannot be reviewed.

But why blame the private sectors ?

The private sectors go for quality lah, abang, we don't pay for someone who is not able to work and just because they are a certain race. No money will buy the colour of the skin. It is only the Malaysia government will do that.

If you get an employee and have to consistently watch the AES, then susah lor.

“This study underscores the complexity of labour market discrimination and its policy implications,” said the study.

“So are opportunity being denied to quality Malays? Surely to some extend, but we do not how how prevalent it is. Some companies may discriminate at pre-employment stage but it is likely to be lesser after one is employed,” asked Lee.
