This is not a piece of science fiction. Jangan tak peduli walau pun bukan cerita.

Certainly, I am not a good writer. Tahu makan dan tidur saje.

"Long gone is the idea, first suggested in the 19th century, that the entire world will one day speak English as a "world language." In fact, the relative decline of English is continuing. In the mid-20th century, nearly 9 percent of the world's population grew up speaking English as their first language. In 2050, the number is expected to be 5 percent."

Yang siapa kat Malaysia yang kata dia orang native speaker of English, perlu pindah ke England lah, Wales, Ireland atau Scotland pun tak cakap Inggeris.

Ande ade bace ke National Geographic ini pada tahun 2004.

Wah, masih ada orang kata English boleh hidup panjang lagi, kini, tinggal berapa percent cakap bahasa inggeris ?

Baca di sini. Kalau tak faham, itu lah, dah banyak tahun belajar bahasa inggeris, pun tak tau, bazekan duit dan masa, suruh kerajaan bagi bahasa yang senang.

Walau bagaimanpun, tak seteju dengan penulis, oh, tidak, dia hanya guna bahan dari seorang pakar di namakan Goddol

In the future, the study predicts, most people will speak more than one language and will switch between languages for routine tasks. Monolingual English speakers may find it difficult to fully participate in a multilingual society.

"Native English speakers—particularly monolingual ones—have been too complacent about the status of their language and the lack of need to learn other languages," Graddol said.

