Bahasa Melayu nak jadi international language kah ?

Hoho, boleh, bolih, sure boleh kan.

Kalau Bahase M nak jadi bahase antarebangse, sure boleh. Tak lame, dia jadi kapale tak same, hidung tak ade.

It would be wise not to force people to learn your tribal language. Be wise to keep it clean and good.

This is the outcome of the colonisation, thus, you think you gain one but you lose more in the end.

Ape nak jadi pade ande kalau bahase melayu jadi sesame ini ?

Orang putih dah tak malu lagi, hanye nak duit aje. Bile ande pergi Ghane tak erti dia kate ape, jadi, kat sini belajar susah nak mati, gi sane tak boleh pakai, buat macammane lah

Bace lah di sini

"There has been a significant change now, away from those who think sounding English is prestigious, towards those who value being multilingual, who would never neglect our mother tongues, and who are happy to sound Ghanaian when we speak English."

Ghana has nine indigenous languages that are officially sponsored by the government, including Akan languages spoken widely in the south. A further 26 languages are officially recognised and at least double that number are also spoken. Unlike its francophone neighbours, which were forced under colonialism to teach only in French, Ghana has always maintained the use of African languages in its primary school education.

"The idea that intelligence is linked to English pronunciation is a legacy from colonial thinking," said Delalorm Semabia, 25, a Ghanaian blogger. "People used to think that if you speak like the British then you are as intelligent as the British. But now we are waking up to the fact that we have great people here who have never stepped outside the borders."
