Does it matter ?

I don't know how the world will go. But one thing for certain, I do not matter where the God comes from. It is no one on earth can do much to testify it.

Many forms of theories failed one after the other. Thanks to the science knowledge that we have today. But, it is one important fact that all must follow.

Do good to yourself and it will tranform to your neighbour and thus the world.

Many evil though evolved from the selfishness of oneself. This is the main cause from the leaders of the community and the country. They are the persons who have the power and right to influence the people to play a role of helper in the world.

But, sorry to say that, non of them, there might be few selfless persons, but they are not in power to do the good jobs.

Just imagine, if you are selfless, would you fight for a post of PM ?

Nevertheless, I like this post:

Just as I cannot argue against the fact that Christmas is a Christian tradition, I also cannot argue against the fact that Christmas is a Germanic Pagan tradition. Prior to Christianization, the Germanic People celebrated a midwinter event called Yule. Christianity came about and absorbed a lot of the pagan traditions into the modern Christmas celebration.
Do take note that Coptic Christians celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. They then abstain from eating meat and dairy and some fast like the Muslims for the next 40 days. This period is called Advent, also traditionally observed by many western churches.
