Well said but....

The article is very impressive, isn't it ?

With all the quotes from the overseas professional and of course the writer is also an highly educated one.

But what is the cause of the inequality of the education besides the corruption of the government and also the public sectors. There are many other reasons to consider.

Therefore, the group of Teach for the needs started.

But, did anyone ask, why we need tuition ?

What is wrong with the education system ?

If there is no tuition, will the pupils pay more attention to the class teaching or they just need to be drilled again and again ?

However, I would like to ask, why the writer did not support Esperanto in the school and let Esperanto be the common language in the world as the will of the UNESCO ?

How much money that Malaysia spend in learning English a year ? Is there a data for it ?

But I would like to invite readers as well as the writer to read this article.

I am strongly believed that the writer would not support Esperanto as a language to be introduced in schools in Malaysia, a datukship may be waiting for him later but Esperanto brings nothing to him as he is not in the lower income group nor the Orang Asli.
