China says bye bye to English language

Finally, the Chinese have woken up.

Only the Be End corrupted ministers are still sleeping.

Not only that the Malaysians in general too. However, I don't blame the people as they do not have the resources and the opportunity to be in the UNESCO.

But can't they search it online ? They are more interested in online games.

Now, with this, the data in the English speakers in the world would be reduced by 1.3 billion. The actual fact is how many Chinese can use English competently ? The fact goes to Malaysians too, you do the counting.

However, the capitalism communist China, would be unlikely to pass this resolution because more rich people are sending their children to English speaking countries, despite the comment of mis-management of resources.

If you cannot read Chinese, wait for the delay of translation and you would feel how inconvinence if you do not like to learn the language of future.

Will Chinese be the language in future ?
