Mari guru Bahasa Inggeris, Ubah

Jangan di hina oleh orang, mari Ubah bersama, cikgu.
I know you are suffering, people are looking down on you. Kenapa nak di hina, tak ada jalan lain lagi ke ?

Those 2/3 teachers of English who did not pass the English accessment, please turn yourselves to be Esperanto teachers and have more people in Malaysia.

You can never be able to get the "O" Level English with 5 years or even 10 years. You are working adults with family to look after, you do not have much time to read 50 Enid Blyton books.

I do not blame you at all and in fact, this is the time for you to change your life by voting Bad Nations out and support Pakatan to Putrajaya. Help Malaysia to save more money by learning Esperanto. Look at the picture, you should know where they are from.

English only serves the rich and they are the best friends of BN. Who are using English in the factory? Isn't  just a few staff but the government punish the whole nation ?

Even if they pass you with internal accessment, many of us know the way the BN government does thing, you are still going to damage the pupils. English language is hard to learn especially if you do not have that environment.

Do not torture yourself and the pupils, especially the world is changing.

Cikgu, belajar sekarang sebelum di kesali. You can choose what ever language you are comfortable with to begin now.

Bahasa Melayu

Bahasa Cina

Bahasa Vietnam

Bahasa Thai

You can download free without connecting to the net each time and you can learn together with your children or family members at home

Do yourself a good and also the future generations in the brain building. English is going to die out in few decades, what our children going to do with English language.

Vote BN out.Jangan Undi Barisan Nasional
