Low quality academians in Malaysia

If the Malaysian degrees worth not a cents in the international arena, don't blame the students but the academicians.

How these people in the ivory tower did not know that the race politics was created by the past colony master, the British. Now they want to go on with this kind of out-dated tactic.

Please lah, in the age of internet, can't you do your search on the internet ?

I am feeling so ashame whenever there is such a report online. Don't they know once is online, the world is laughing on us, Malaysians?

Can someone get these people out of the academic chairs and put some farmers on. Even the farmers are better thinking if you can let them have the chance to rule but not divide as they are more equal to the plants then human beings.

Malaysia needs someone who can work and lead but not the colour of skin,neither religion nor race. 

If we are called Malaysians, why there are rules and divide ?

Taxpayers are paying the wrong scholars. Get them out.

