Orang ini, ingat English boleh pakai di semua dunia, masih tidur lagi.
Hoho, nak nasihat orang Jepun, hoi, orang tua, Jepun bukan satu pulau yang kecil hang punya negara lah.
Dah cukup dosa buat, tak nak mati lagi, sama ler di negera Malaysia.
Lee pointed to the example of Japan, which he said is on a "stroll into mediocrity" as the ranks of its elderly swell due to young couples not producing enough babies.
Japan's reluctance to open up to immigrants will further lead to its decline, he said.
"If I were a young Japanese and I could speak English, I would probably choose to emigrate," said Lee.
Tuan LEE, sila baca di sini lah, lu ingat English masih di masa hang muda kah ?
Jadi, orang Malaysia siapa yang baca buku dia , terutama sekali, The PAGE mesti sokong ler.