Ya tak ya, kalau buat macam ni, Malaysia is the best country in the world.
I sokong lah untuk cikgu, ramai nak jadi cikgu bukan minat nak jadi cikgu, tapi, pasal gaji, sekarang kan dah best jadi cikgu.
But, what I like to suggest is, even after qualified as a teacher, one may come to the point of change, the ministry should have a good system that allows the teachers to go on no pay leave for two years. They can find their new job or just want to go travelling or to sit at home doing nothing.
The period of silence as it is called, perhaps, would let the teachers to look into the teaching profession, whether they like it or not.
The system should go one step further to allow the mothers to take no pay leave to stay at home to look after the babies. A good home nurtures good citizens. She may be off for ten years or so and she can return to teach later when the children grow up. Certainly, her pay would begin at when she ceases work. N 22, balik N22 ler.
Training a teacher, needs lots of resources, but the government of Malaysia still living in the colonial period, nothing change, nothing expert in the ministry.
Yes, back to politicians, Yes, sokong ler, kalau semua MPs kenal buat psycho test, huhuhu, best ler, kita dapat MPs gangster out from the dewan parlimen
Jadi ke ?