Ye lah harimau atau buaya

Myanmar, hampa jaga-jaga lah.

Sayang tak dapat pakai Google translate untuk bahasa Myanmar, gue terpaksa tulis dalam bahasa campuran lah.

Jangan terkagum dengan perkataan lah, Dengar tak,

'Let the middle class come up'

Dia bukan untuk lower class.

The investors to Myanmar, use your heart to say a word of FAIRNESS.

Don;t exploit the people like the Cambodia, you will suffer the same as the capitalists are not being welcome. Don't complain that the people of which country is not good. It is you who treated people like no class, example in Indonesia and Cambodia.

Only in Malaysia , the ruling parties would use all kinds of rules and regulations, whether in the book or not to help the investors to cheat the people. They called themselves Muslim,.
