Jadi, they are the rich countries.
Jangan lah di main oleh orang Barat.
Kita di Asia tak ada kumpulan boleh buat analisa kah ?
Terpaksa guna bahan dari barat ?
The jokers
Jangan lah di main oleh orang Barat.
Kita di Asia tak ada kumpulan boleh buat analisa kah ?
Terpaksa guna bahan dari barat ?
The jokers
Thirty-three per cent of the population fall below the international poverty line of $1.25 per day, and 69 per cent live on less than $2 per day. While India ranks third in the world in terms of GDP, it ranks 144th in terms of GDP per capita – that is the value of goods and services produced in a given year, divided by the average population – below Palestine, Uzbekistan and Papua New Guinea. Only one in 10 of India’s workforce has a job in the formal sector – that is, with regular wages and regular hours. Less than three per cent – 33 million out of a population of 1.21 billion – pay personal income tax.
Despite growing investment in education, one third of India’s population is illiterate: only 15 per cent of Indian students reach high school, and only seven per cent graduate. The spectre conjured by the Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen of India being ‘half California and half Sub-Saharan Africa’ remains a real one. Hundreds of millions of Indians do not have even the most basic formal means of identification, which makes it impossible for them to step on to even the lowest rung of the ladder out of poverty. They are unable to open a bank account, or to acquire a mobile phone, and they are excluded from public services to which they are entitled.