Aiyo, kan dia negara kaya ?

Ramai orang kan di ASEAN semua envy mereka, tak paya bayar income tax.

Tapi, the real thing is not heard often.

Baca lah

The budget for Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) has grown in the past four years. In 2012, the budget for road structures alone was raised by 5.3 million BND as part of the preparation for ASEAN and EAS. Although I can't find the statistics for 2013's, I can safely say that with the amount of smooth roads in front of the JPM building, that they have more money this year than previously. But a majority of the money to fixing roads are not spent on citizens, they are spent on keeping appearance to people who only have to be in Brunei for a week. Why are we--as people who live in Brunei, who are the cogs and screw that runs the country--not worthy of good roads?
