These grandparents were poisoned by the colonists while they were young
These grandparents still live in the
50s or 60s when the English language was the major subject in the
schools and the government.
But they have forgotten that now is
21st century. Bahasa Melayu is the national language and
we use national language here and there.
These grandparents are still thinking
that the British will come and give them food. These grandparents are
especially many from the Chinese community and the Indian community.
If you go to the Malay community, these pakci dan makcik would say
bahasa inggeris, bahasa jajahan.
Hoooi, orang tua, termasuk Mabuyudin,
bangun lah dari tidur, sekarang zaman ape ?
Kita bukan dalam jajahan orang putih
bernama British lah.
Kita sudah merdeka, kita pakai bahasa
English senang belajar kah ? The grandpa never went to school there he did not know how difficult to learn English, we need more bahasa Malaysia but not English
English senang belajar kah ? The grandpa never went to school there he did not know how difficult to learn English, we need more bahasa Malaysia but not English