
Padan muka, teruskan massalah anda di bahasa.

Serve you right, man. This is the problem created by the politicians in many countries, of course, including Malaysia.

Dia orang ingat semua orang boleh cakap bahasa jajahan, bahasa Inggeris. Kini, apa dah jadi.

100 jam ----150 jam sahaja, dah selesai masaalah komunikasi.

Yes, go on to have all the complaints and heart sick if you do not press your politicians to endorse the teaching of Esperanto in schools.

Padan muka.

Hanya sampai masa tu, anda baru nak kesal ?

Prevention is better than cure.

Sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

The common people have no money to employ the translators. the politicians are using the tax payers money to hire translator, why pay them ?
