If you are silly enough, don't be a financial minister.
You financial assistants only know figure 123456. They never look at the society.
What really control the economy of the country is the English language.
Only the rich can do well in English language.
Do away the colonial language and let all the people of Malaysia fight equally in the land of glory.
Why the Chinese become banana man, the Indian cannot read his Tamil language ? But do you see a Malay who does not speak and write Malay language ?
Yes, Chinese would throw everything in to get the children to do well in English, send them to tuition classes etc.
Did the Malay families do that ?
Now, your Proton company wants English speaking workers, the FMM wants English speaking workers. Even PM you cannot speak good English, what do you expect the anak kampung can speak good English ?
75% of the people in the world do not speak a word of English and why list English in the education act ? Do away with English in the education act and list Esperanto in it. All races compete equally, not the children of the elite Malays too,
Esperanto traders from China and other parts of the world are waiting for you.
Why blame others when the real cause is the colonial language ?
Read http://www.2-2.se
Can Pakatan see the point or they are the same gang who torture the youngsters in the schools with imperialist language, the hegemony language English is being the cause.