Kawan ini tak erti, bukan mereka tak ada budaya di Germany, tapi, telah di bunuh.
Agama dan gila kuasa telah bunuh kan budaya anda lah, kawan.
It is best for these German 'kids' to go home and do a research and revive your culture.
Who killed your culture in Germany ?
Malaysia will soon be also like your country when the power crazy people are trying hard to assimilate the other people into their own race. Of course, the greedy for $$$$$ ones are willingly be killed of their own culture.
Agama dan gila kuasa telah bunuh kan budaya anda lah, kawan.
It is best for these German 'kids' to go home and do a research and revive your culture.
Who killed your culture in Germany ?
Malaysia will soon be also like your country when the power crazy people are trying hard to assimilate the other people into their own race. Of course, the greedy for $$$$$ ones are willingly be killed of their own culture.