Is UTAR management wiser ?

The silly local university management will not bring Malaysians to higher places.

When the twinning colleges are crazy for the English speaking universities, the private universities like UTAR and Wawasan join the game by using English.

Shouldn't UTAR and Wawasan use Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction?

The children in Malaysia are using Bahasa Malaysia textbooks and when they are failed to enter the local universities, they have to enter these private ones. The English level is low, how they can fair well in the courses ?

If these universities are not crazy for the world ranking, we can produce more quality graduates.

The best business language is Esperanto, search for that and read the New York Times report.

Even the lecturers are unable to use English fluently, they were from the national schools with Bahasa Malaysia in the school yards.

Yes, serve the rich more than the poor, these universities are.

If these universities are using Bahasa Malaysia, more talents are unearth. Don;t you know English language kills many talents?
