Be a man and fight for your right, pastors and uztaz

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The priest writes that LGBT Catholics have a right to family life, "even if the Church does not want to bless it".
He later criticises the Vatican for putting pressure on states which have legalised equal or same-sex marriage.
He also expresses his fears about the impact his coming out may have on the treatment of his mother in Poland, "a woman of unshakeable faith", saying she bears no responsibility for his actions.
The synod ended on Sunday, but made no change to its pastoral attitude to gay Catholics.
The final document agreed by the Synod Fathers reiterated Church teaching that gay Catholics should be welcomed with "respect" and "dignity". But it restated that there was "no basis for any comparison, however remote, between homosexual unions and God's design for marriage and the family".
The synod voted through a paragraph saying that it was unacceptable for pressure to be put upon local churches over their attitude towards same-sex unions, or for international organisations to make financial help contingent on poor countries introducing laws to "allow or institutionalise" marriage between people of the same sex.
