Pakatan Harapan is a big fool


You could see how stupid Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership be.

 The frogs wanted to come back for a short term bliss.

PH is happily to take them in. 

Therefore, Anwar Ibrahim is going to be an enemy of the people soon.

As said earlier, PH should not take part in the state election which contribute to the parliament seat nothing.

PH should focus in training more young leaders to get ready for the big change in General Election 15.

Let the state election to fight between the UMNO and Bersatu-PAS. The shirt term bliss could not do much to the change of the system in whole Malaysia.

PH should now prepare the psychological tests for the potential  candidates for the MP and ADUN sets in the GE 15. Those who fail the psychology test for racial harmony, anti homosexual, religion toxin should screen them out of the next GE.

All test results is in high secretly box. There are too many online test which could be used but the local psychology professor can prepare the better test for them. If there were no psychology professor available, thus take the foreign professors from other countries.

Therefore, you could see how weak the university professor in psychology department is.

Not taking part in the snap election in Malaysia could get PH out of the condemn for the next blown of Covid-19 infection.

PH members sit back and enjoy the show for a while and get down to work as a better and scientific MP and ADUN. PH will shine for next 50 years.

You can read the comments in the M'Kini.

 Idris Haron quartet eyeing to contest Malacca election under Harapan banner
