He swam daily--the late LEE Kuan Yew



The late prime  minister of Singapore, Mr LEE Kuan Yew swam daily to keep healthy.

He certainly knew swimming is the best exercise. A 20 minute swim would boost your whole day activities.

Just wondering as I have asked, how many MPs and ADUNs know how to swim ?


 Especially in the Penang state which has 10 swimming pools, majority is private, for the rich. The government pools, 4 of them, one is half Olympic size is also privatize to private company. The 3 Olympic size, two have privatize to companies, Relau and Seberang Jaya, left only the one in Jalan Betek still under the administration of MBSP.

Why the people in Malaysia particularly in Penang, do not want to make petition to your government to build more half Olympic size  swimming pools?

The creative government would not have to pay a cent to build the swimming pools for the people. 

Does the government care about the health of the people or building more football stadium which leave for mosquitos to breed.

Share this in your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram of your MP or ADUN.

If you were from Penang, send this to your MPs and ADUNs




